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Release Notes

Below is the general read me, highlights, and known issues for the Commerce Connect 7.5 release.

Release notes for Sitecore Commerce Connect 7.5. Contains information on late breaking developments, known issues, and workarounds.

1.  Release History

Some of the issues described on this page contain internal reference numbers listed in parentheses. You can use these reference numbers to communicate with Sitecore about a particular issue or feature.

October 28, 2014

Sitecore Commerce Connect 7.5 rev. 141023 is released.

Tested with Sitecore 7.5 rev. 141003


The main highlights of this release:

Updates to support the new xDB functionality of Sitecore 7.5.


This version of the module only runs on Sitecore 7.5 rev. 141003 or later.
For more details regarding the version of the module that is compatible with Sitecore 8.0 please follow the link.


A patch is required for complete Commerce Connect installation on Sitecore 7.5 rev. 141003.
 Please unzip the following package towards the bin folder of your installation:

Download the update patch for Commerce Connect 7.5 (ZIP archive, 87 KB).

Breaking Changes

2.  Known issues

This page contains the known issues that were found in Sitecore Commerce Connect 7.5.